Unveiling the mysteries of the Universe: Exploring dark energy, dark matter with ESA's Euclid mission

Unveiling the mysteries of the Universe: Exploring dark energy, dark matter with ESA's Euclid mission

The Euclid mission of the European Space Agency aims to produce a three-dimensional map of the Universe. This map will be used by scientists to measure the characteristics of dark energy and dark matter, as well as to uncover the nature of these enigmatic components. The map will contain a significant amount of data and will cover more than a third of the sky. Furthermore, the third dimension of the map will represent time, covering 10 billion years of cosmic history. 

Handling the vast and intricate amount of new data that Euclid's observations will generate is a challenging task. To address this, the Euclid Consortium's scientists have created one of the most precise and extensive supercomputer simulations of the Universe's large-scale structure ever made. They have called it the Euclid Flagship simulation. 

Running on large banks of advanced processors, supercomputer simulations provide a unique laboratory to model the formation and evolution of large-scale structures in the Universe, such as galaxies, galaxy clusters, and the filamentary cosmic web they form. These state-of-the-art computational techniques allow astrophysicists to trace the motion and behavior of an extremely large number of dark-matter particles over cosmological volumes under the influence of their gravitational pull. They replicate how and where galaxies form and grow, and are used to predict their distribution across the celestial sphere. 

Explore the Euclid Flagship simulation in this video and get a sneak preview of the structure of the dark Universe, as we currently model it. New insights will be brought to you by the Euclid mission in the coming years.

The ESA's Euclid mission is a groundbreaking endeavor that will revolutionize our understanding of the universe. By creating a 3D map of the universe, scientists will be able to measure the properties of dark energy and dark matter, uncovering the mysteries of these mysterious components. This mission will open up new possibilities for understanding the universe and its evolution and will be a major step forward in our understanding of the cosmos. With this mission, we can continue to explore the unknown and push the boundaries of our knowledge.