Kimberly-Clark Corporation Standardizes on MSC.Software for Product Design

Leading Health and Hygiene Manufacturer Selects SimEnterprise for Enterprise Simulation:MSC.Software today announced that Kimberly- Clark Corporation, a leading health and hygiene company, has selected MSC.Software's SimEnterprise, specifically SimManager, as the standard environment for modeling and simulation in product and process design. As part of its corporate innovation organization, Kimberly-Clark has a team focused on the expanded use of analytics and mathematical models as a means of scientific analysis to make better business decisions. With SimManager's consistent and coherent environment, modeling and simulation can be aligned with global technology platforms across the enterprise to improve collaboration, improve product quality and time to market, and increase return-on-investment. "Kimberly-Clark is keen to fully leverage the environment and integration that SimEnterprise offers," said Rob Everett, director of Innovation Center - North Atlantic for Kimberly-Clark. "Our company goal is to continually improve the performance of our products for our customers, delivering total solutions for their needs. This partnership with MSC.Software is another example of our increased use of open innovation, coupling our expertise in product and process models with MSC.Software's experience in simulation lifecycle practices." "There is a tremendous industry need to address true multidiscipline problems with reliable performance predictions that reduce the need for physical prototypes and provide more accurate and complete results," said Glenn Wienkoop, president and chief operating officer, MSC.Software Corporation. "Simulation information can be used as a tool to help companies ensure that their products are first to market and right to market." "We are extremely pleased that Kimberly-Clark Corporation has decided to adopt SimEnterprise, specifically SimManager," said William J. Weyand, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, MSC.Software Corporation. "SimEnterprise allows customers to transition from single point simulation tools to an integrated enterprise solution. This allows businesses to focus on the quality and content of simulation analysis and results versus managing disparate simulation systems and data."