Univa Releases DDM Source Code to Globus Community

Univa Corporation, the leading provider of commercial software, support and services for Grid solutions based on open source Globus software, today announced the open source release of the Univa Data Distribution Manager (DDM) as a Globus Incubator project. Univa DDM provides an efficient data distribution service for tracking, transporting and synchronizing large-scale, distributed data sets. It builds on existing Globus services including the C and Java Web Services Core, GridFTP, GRAM and RLS by adding the capability for data set specification, a range of synchronization modes, replica selection and a comprehensive set of policy based failure recovery mechanisms. Univa DDM places an emphasis on driving down the cost of sharing large data sets through efficient use of available bandwidth and storage while ensuring secure and reliable operation at scale. Univa DDM benefits the Globus open source community by providing a set of valuable new capabilities targeted specifically at knowledge workers with data-intensive technical computing needs. It marks the first large-scale contribution by Univa as an enterprise partner to the Globus community. Univa’s mission is to be the premier provider of open source services and software in the Grid marketplace. As such, Univa is committed to a vibrant open source Grid ecosystem as essential to its future. By contributing Univa DDM to the Globus Open Source process, it helps increase the applicability of Globus-based Grid solutions in a wider range of scientific research and enterprise computing environments, and in turn advances the goals of the company. For more information on Univa DDM as a Globus Incubator project, please visit its Web site.