PSC Receives Heinz Grant for Science Education

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) has received $150,000 from the Heinz Endowments Education program to help prepare area high-school science teachers to use modeling and simulation tools in the classroom. The program, Computation and Science for Teachers (CAST), will use computational tools, such as researchers use to investigate problems in science and engineering, to help students better understand scientific concepts. The program, says Cheryl Begandy of PSC, who coordinates CAST, also aims to "raise awareness of the need to encourage students to consider careers in science and technology and to promote participation of all students in science and technology programs." CAST began in 2006 with funding from the Grable Foundation and the Frick Teachers Alumnae Fund of the Buhl Foundation to sponsor a summer workshop for high school science teachers. The Heinz grant, says Begandy, will continue the program for the teachers through this school year, with the possibility of an advanced workshop this summer. She also expects to bring in a second set of teachers for the introductory workshop this summer, with follow-up through next school year. The Heinz grant will also support a thorough program evaluation. "An important part of the Heinz grant," adds Begandy," is that it enables us to develop a plan to build long-term capacity in the school districts for high-school science education based on CAST." More information:at its Web site.