PSC at SC|06: Science, the Cray XT3 &TeraGrid

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center's 10-teraflop Cray XT3 has been a production resource on the TeraGrid since October 2005. At SC|06 in Tampa, several talks at the PSC booth (# 1049) will highlight scientific insights achieved with the XT3. On Monday evening, Nov. 13, the PSC booth will open with a presentation by PSC Director of Strategic Applications Nick Nystrom. Nystrom will describe new work that ranges from quantum chromodynamics to important new studies in large protein complexes and the first ever large-scale simulation of the cosmos to include black holes. In October, the National Center for Research Resources of the National Institutes of Health awarded $8.5 million to PSC to renew PSC's National Resource for Biomedical Supercomputing for five years. In presentations at the PSC booth, NRBSC director Joel Stiles will discuss recent developments in the MCell/DReAMM environment for spatially realistic cellular simulations, and he will discuss biomedical insights achieved through NRBSC-supported work. Other presentations at the PSC booth and a PSC talk at the TeraGrid booth will highlight advances in productive capability made possible through PSC-developed software that has enabled real-time visualization in simulations with several research applications, including turbulent fluid dynamics - such as blood flow in a stenosed carotid artery - and earthquake soil vibration. Other prominent computational scientists to present talks at the PSC booth include: Peter Coveney of University College London, Tiankai Tu of Carnegie Mellon University and Leopold Grinberg of Brown University. For more details of these talks, see: its Web site.