Massively’s Biometric Match Response Times Keeps the People Flowing

Massively Parallel Technologies (Massively) announces its capability to meet the most demanding quality of service requirements in large scale biometric identification applications. Massively’s Biometric solutions dramatically minimize--and in some cases eliminate-- wait times associated with data processing queues. During peak processing times, when hundreds to thousands of identification requests are submitted in a short period of time, conventional biometric solutions simply cannot handle the sheer volume of requests. As a result, individuals are forced to wait in long lines as the system struggles to keep up, searching databases containing millions and millions of records. Massively Biometric’s patented technology breaks through this limitation, uniquely delivering the ability to meet virtually any time-to-match requirement -- regardless of database size and peak volume demands. Moreover, because Massively supports true mix and match of biometric modes and algorithms through a generic application program interface (API) running on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware, the highest accuracy and performance at the lowest cost is realized. Massively’s analysis revealed that even a few seconds difference in match response time dramatically impacts the quality of service experienced by users dramatically decreasing total biometric identification time for large multi-access point applications such as the United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Identity Technology (US-VISIT) program. Unlike costly and inflexible FPGA-based systems, Massively Biometrics can meet or exceed the most demanding Quality of Service requirements. Application of Massively’s patented HOWARD software technology makes unprecedented compute scaling efficiencies a practical reality even on commodity commercial off-the-shelf hardware. . Massively Biometrics searches 100% of the target database and supports true multi-modal biometric capabilities for even greater accuracy. What’s more, Massively’s patented HOWARD software technology is algorithm agnostic. This means that Massively’s solution gives the tremendous power of vendor and algorithm choice and flexibility, all seamlessly integrated together. As a result, the fastest, most accurate total match response times at consistently and reliably delivered at a fraction of the cost of custom or vendor-specific solutions. “Massively has demonstrated that paramount to the feasibility and success of large scale, high volume biometric security deployments is consistent and affordable biometric match response times in a couple of seconds or less,” said Scott Smith, CEO of Massively. “Massively’s HOWARD software technology is redefining how and where biometric solutions can be taken advantage of, whether used for security identification in national and international security programs or secure access for countless commercial and consumer applications.” Massively’s patented and patent-pending HOWARD parallel processing software technology makes such biometric matching performance and accuracy practical and affordable through both compute and cross-communication efficiencies that keep communication overhead growth rates to near zero as processing nodes are increased, even out to thousands of compute nodes. Supporting a variety of biometric matching and identification techniques including fingerprint and face identification, Massively’s Powered by HOWARD biometric solutions make it possible to rapidly authenticate or identify individuals at an extremely low cost per identification without sacrificing accuracy. As the total number of desired database records to search grows at an exponential rate, processing and compute scaling efficiencies are paramount to the success of a biometric solution. Massively’s Biometrics can be made available through its Internet accessible, on-demand supercomputing Biometric Virtual Power Centers or through on-premise installations.