JIVA Grid Network Suite Supports Windows, OS X, Linux

Brain Murmurs, Inc, a Seattle-based software research and development company, has released a Linux version of its JIVA Grid Client for immediate, anonymous download. The new Linux Client joins the existing family of products for Windows and OS X, greatly advancing the platform independence of JIVA grid networks. The JIVA grid network has a wide range of applications in many fields including bioinformatics, pharmaceuticals, energy, financial analysis, engineering, and animation. The client, which is shipped as a Redhat Package Manager (RPM) installer runs as a plugin for the popular Xscreensaver framework and is currently supported on Fedora Core 4 Linux, with other distributions to be supported in the coming weeks. A second version of the client, which runs as a background service, will be available for download by Monday, June 5th. The client can be downloaded for free from the Brain Murmurs website at its Web site. “This is a tremendous step forward,” said Daniel Pasco, Executive Vice President of the company, “the new client allows us to support mixed networks of Windows, Linux, and Macintosh computers. The performance of our product on Linux is excellent and we are excited to add support for Linux networks to JIVA.” The JIVA Grid Computing Framework is a low cost, secure volunteer computing system that allows businesses and other organizations to run computationally exhaustive work on their desktop computers and servers during evenings and weekends. It runs on a variety of platforms including Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, Sun Solaris, and Linux. JIVA features built-in support for the Visual Numerics JMSL Libraries.