Sun Expands Migration Services for Solaris 10 & Sun Fire Servers

New Enterprise Migration Services Enable Customers to Overcome Challenges of Legacy Applications, Unpredictable Services Levels and Vendor Instability -- Sun Microsystems today announced the Sun Enterprise Migration Suite, a sequence of services designed to make it easier to move to the free and open Solaris 10 Operating System (OS) and industry standard x64 server platforms. The Sun Enterprise Migration Suite was designed to help avoid concerns among IT organizations about the potential risk, cost, or time involved in a complex migration. The Suite utilizes formal methodologies and tools that help make an enterprise's justification to migrate IT platforms more accurate, flexible and robust. "Our migration services make it easier than ever for customers interested in moving away from proprietary operating systems, such as IBM AIX and HP-UX, to the most advanced operating system on the planet, Solaris 10," said Peter Weber, senior vice president of product management, Services, Sun Microsystems. "Sun has a proven track record of successful migrations earned over many years helping thousands of satisfied customers move from competitive IT infrastructures." The Sun Enterprise Migration Suite enables IT leaders to address issues such as end-of-life platforms, unpredictable service levels, vendor instability and inflexible infrastructures. It helps them meet escalating regulatory demands, pursue new business models, service customers and stay competitive. The Suite consists of the following services designed to provide success at every phase of a migration: -- Sun Enterprise Migration Justification Review Service -- Sun Enterprise Migration Architecture Service -- Sun Enterprise Migration Implementation Service For details of these services, please see: its Web site. Customers that use these new Sun Services for justifying, architecting and implementing OS migrations may also benefit from the Sun Application Migration Service, designed to help fast-track the transition of software applications to Solaris 10. Customers enjoy access to the most popular features in Solaris 10, including Predictive Self-Healing, Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) and Solaris Containers. Details on the Sun Application Migration Service are online at: its Web site. The new Enterprise Migration Suite complements the migration services delivered by Sun's Global System Integrator partners to help customers move to Solaris 10. Availability The Sun Enterprise Migration Suite are scheduled to be generally available by the end of June.