Five PNNL researchers elected Fellows by AAAS

Five scientists from the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have been elected Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Linda Lasure and Steven Wiley were elected Fellows in the AAAS section on biological sciences. Greg Exarhos and Bruce Kay were elected Fellows in the AAAS section on chemistry. Subhash Singhal was elected a Fellow in the AAAS section on engineering. All five will be recognized at the Fellows Forum at the AAAS national meeting in St. Louis in February. Election as an AAAS Fellow is determined by peer reviewers. Fellows are honored for "meritorious efforts to advance science or its applications." AAAS began honoring its distinguished members with the title of Fellow in 1874. Greg Exarhos
Greg Exarhos is a Laboratory Fellow in PNNL's Fundamental Science Directorate. He is being recognized for "innovative research on charge transport processes in dielectric films and the use of light scattering methods to probe structure/property relationships." Prior to joining PNNL in 1980, Exarhos was an assistant professor at Harvard University. He is currently the associate director for interfacial chemistry and engineering in PNNL's Chemical Sciences Division and is the program coordinator for the suite of Basic Energy Sciences Materials Sciences projects within the laboratory. Exarhos earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry with a minor in physics from Lawrence University in 1970 and a doctorate in physical chemistry from Brown University in 1974. Linda Lasure
Linda Lasure manages a team in PNNL's chemical, biological and processing group in the laboratory's Environmental Technology directorate. She is being honored for her "sustained and effective leadership in industrial microbiology, particularly the innovative use of fungal enzymes in product development." Before joining PNNL in 2001, Lasure was the president of Lasure and Associates, Vice President of Panlabs, Inc. and had previously served as the president of CellPath, Inc. Lasure earned a bachelor's degree in biology and chemistry from St. Cloud State College in 1968 and a doctorate in genetics from Syracuse University in 1973. Bruce Kay
Bruce Kay is a Laboratory Fellow in PNNL's Fundamental Science Directorate. He was elected for his "innovative use of molecular beams to elucidate chemical kinetics and dynamics at environmentally-relevant aqueous and oxide interfaces." He has been with PNNL since 1991 and is also an affiliate professor of chemical engineering and of physical chemistry at the University of Washington. Kay earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry in 1976 from the University of Illinois, and a doctorate in chemical physics in 1982 from the University of Colorado. Subhash Singhal
Subhash Singhal is a Battelle Fellow in PNNL's Energy Science and Technology Directorate. He is being recognized for "outstanding leadership in developing and promoting solid oxide fuel cells for clean and efficient power generation." Singhal joined PNNL in 2000 and is the director of fuel cells for the laboratory. Singhal earned a bachelor's degree in physics, chemistry and mathematics from Agra University in India in 1963; a bachelor's degree in metallurgy from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, in 1965; a doctorate in materials science and engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1969; and a master's degree in business administration from the University of Pittsburgh in 1977. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Steven Wiley
Steven Wiley is a Laboratory Fellow in PNNL's Fundamental Science Directorate. He was elected a Fellow for his "significant contributions in the newly emerging area of systems biology and important achievements in the quantitative analysis of the Epidermal Growth Factor receptor system." Wiley has been with PNNL since 2000 and serves as the director of the laboratory's Biomolecular Systems Initiative and the PNNL Program Office for Systems Biology and Biotechnology. He earned a bachelor's degree in biology from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville in 1974 and a doctorate in biomedical sciences from the University of Tennessee - Oak Ridge Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in 1979. The honorees join 10 current PNNL staff members previously elected as AAAS Fellows. Founded in 1848, AAAS has worked to advance science for human well-being through its projects, programs and publications in the areas of science policy, science education and international scientific cooperation. Science magazine is the chief publication of the AAAS, reviewing and publishing many of the top research papers in the biological and physical sciences. Science was established by Thomas Edison in 1880, and has the highest paid circulation of any scientific journal in the world.