MSC.Software and Engineous Form Global Strategic Alliance

MSC.Software and Engineous Software today announced a global strategic alliance through which Engineous' iSIGHT and FIPER will be integrated with MSC.Software's enterprise solutions. As an extension of MSC.Software's current relationship with Engineous, this agreement will further benefit customers by delivering a robust, seamless solution today to our customers. MSC.Software and Engineous technologies will be combined to provide customers with managed product development for VPD solutions ranging from specific engineering tasks to large scale inter-company engineering processes. Engineous' iSIGHT process integration and design optimization software and FIPER, a component-based, integration infrastructure will enable significant design improvements using MSC's enterprise solutions. This alliance will couple MSC.Nastran, MSC.ADAMS, MSC.Patran, MSC.Marc, and MSC stochastic simulation technologies with iSIGHT and FIPER. The combined functionality can be managed with the MSC.SimManager enterprise data management infrastructure. "We are continuing to find ways to help our customers better automate their product development processes by leveraging best-in-class technologies -- with Engineous we can do just that," said Bill Weyand, chairman and CEO, MSC.Software. "Their market leading multi-run tools are perfect complements to MSC.Software's integrated enterprise solution suite, especially as it relates to promoting collaboration and engineering automation. We look forward to the strengthening of our relationship with Engineous." Under the terms of the agreement, MSC.Software will be the primary channel for delivery of the coupled enterprise process solutions. The MSC.Software and Engineous product development and support teams will work together to deliver customers the capability they require with seamless interaction between solutions. "The integration of iSIGHT and FIPER products with the MSC.Software VPD product line gives us the opportunity to provide customers a comprehensive, end-to-end solution for managed virtual product development with design exploration," said Janet C. Wylie, president and CEO, Engineous. "We are very pleased to work closely with MSC.Software to tightly integrate our technologies with MSC's market leading VPD offerings." The results of simulations powered by Engineous and MSC.Software solutions provide more insight and better understanding of design sensitivity, allowing engineers to manage risk and improve product quality, safety and performance. Having design exploration technology tightly integrated within the VPD environment offers the potential for more comprehensive understanding of design alternatives and trade-offs.