SC|05 Features Record-Breaking Exhibition

SC|05 attendees will find more space devoted to exhibits than ever before when the exhibition floor opens November 14, 2005 at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle. More than 220 exhibitors have signed up for booth space, including more than 20 that are new to the show. “It’s a reflection that the industry is recognizing that we are the conference for high-performance computing,” said Exhibits Chair, Becky Verastegui of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. “Also, new conference programs like StorCloud and HPC Analytics are generating interest from vendors in those areas.” In addition to the industry exhibits, many key research exhibits are also registered for the conference. Under the theme, ‘Gateway to Discovery,’ SC|05 will showcase how high performance computing, networking, and storage lead to advances in research, education and commerce. The increase in participation has enabled the committee to expand exhibit space to another 12,000 square foot space on the upper level of the convention center. Again this year, attendees will be able to attend special technical presentations by industrial exhibitors. The 30-minute sessions will be held in parallel with the technical program while the exhibit floors are open. A schedule of sessions will be issued prior to the conference. Online registration for the conference opens August 1, 2005.