Linux Labs International Announces Secure Supercomputing Platform

Linux Labs International (LLII) announced today a key milestone for security in supercomputing technology. With today's release of Nimbus 4.0, its out-of-the-box Linux cluster distribution, the leading Single System Image cluster architecture (bproc) is now seamlessly integrated with SELinux, the Security Enhanced Linux platform (SELinux). By fusing interoperability between two independent public Linux technology initiatives, Nimbus 4.0 provides an environment wherein many computers appearing to act as one can now enjoy access controls prerequisite to government and military grade security certification. Nimbus 4.0 is being offered both on turnkey cluster installations, and as an upgrade to any existing Linux cluster. In the last ten years, Linux clustered supercomputing has evolved from a curiosity to the prevalent supercomputer platform used in High Performance Computing. While developments in commodity hardware continue to chip away at the last few problems that still require "big iron" mainframes, the next generation of software has made great strides in improved management and usability. A notable exception to this progress has been in the area of security features such as role-based access control, system auditing, and mandatory access controls. Many situations remain where, but for the need of those features, computation would be done much more cost-effectively on a Linux cluster. Stuart Trusty, CEO of LLII said "The compromise of a cluster resource, even at the university level, when compared to a single hacked computer, remains a far greater threat to national security, trade secrets, and the Internet at large due to the aggregated computing and network resources involved." To complement these new security measures, Nimbus 4.0 will also come bundled with CFS, the Cryptographic File System, while turnkey cluster offerings will have options for digitally signed mail and system files using GNU Privacy Guard (GPG), a full public/private keypair digital encryption system. Linux Labs International, Inc. is a veteran Linux engineering firm based in Atlanta, Georgia, offering High Performance Computing solutions in association with its vaulted datacenter and network in Atlanta's Telco hotel. Contact for Government and Military Coordinator, Stuart Trusty, is at (678) 362-2706. Administrative, sales, and pilot inquiries can be made to (678) 612-9222 For more information on SELinux, see its Website . For more information on bproc, see its Website . For more information on Nimbus 4.0, see its Website.