TCPP 2005 Student Travel Award Chosen

The IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP ) announced the 35 student recipients of $500 travel awards to attend IPDPS 2005 . The 35 awards were chosen from 75 student nominations. There were many excellent applications that could not be supported this year due to budget limitations. All students are encouraged to apply again next year. The list of award recipients and their advisors is given below. The TCPP acts as an international forum to promote parallel processing research and education, and participates in setting up technical standards in this area. Issues related to the design, analysis and implementation of parallel systems and solutions are of interest. These include design and analysis of parallel architectures and algorithms, and application development on parallel machines. TCPP sponsors professional meetings, brings out publications, sets guidelines for educational programs and coordinates academia, funding agency, and industry activities in the above areas. The International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), held annually in the Spring, serves as the flagship activity of this TC. The International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC) is also sponsored by TCPP. Several workshops spanning interdisciplinary areas are sponsored by this TC. *TCPP 2005**Student Travel Award Recipients* *Last Name**First Name**Affiliation**Country**Advisor* Balasooriya Janaka Georgia State University USA Sushil K. Prasad Brito Andrey Elisio Monteiro Universidade Federal de Campina Grande Brazil Francisco Vilar Brasileiro Ding Zhu University of Pittsburgh USA Ray Hoare Dübendorfer Thomas ETH Zurich Switzerland Bernhard Plattner Feng Xizhou University of South Carolina USA Kirk Cameron Glimcher Leonid Ohio State University USA Gagen Agrawal Guo Zhuang University of Alberta Canada Duane Szafron Khan Samee Ullah University of Texas at Arlington USA Ishfaq Ahmad Kim Jik-Soo University of Maryland USA Alan Sussman Kurzyniec David Emory University USA Vaidy Sunderam Lee Kyeong-Jae University of Virginia USA Kevin Skadron Lee Manhee Texas A&M University USA Eun Jung Kim Liu Chun Penn State University USA Anand Sivasubramaniam Lufei Hanping Wayne State University USA Weisong Shu Nenadic Aleksandra University of Manchester United Kingdom Ning Zhang Ou Jingzhao University of Southern California USA Viktor Prasanna Page Andrew National University of Ireland Ireland Tom Naughton Parthasarathy Srinivasan University of Maryland USA Aravind Srinivasan Ren Gang University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign USA David Padua Repantis Thomas University of California, Riverside USA V. Kalogeraki Rountree Barry The University of Georgia USA David Lowenthal Roy Krishnendu Louisiana State University USA R. Vaidyanathan Shen Huaping University of Texas at Arlington USA Sajal K. Das Song Shanshan University of Southern California USA Kai Hwang Srivatsa Mudhakar Georgia Institute of Technology USA Ling Lui Talby David Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Dror Feitelson Tosic Predrag University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign USA Gul Agha Vijayakumar Nithya Indiana University USA Beth Plale Wang Lei University of California, Irvine USA Michael Franz Wang Honghao University of Cincinnati USA Yiming Hu Xie Tao New Mexico Tech USA Xiao Qin Yu Weikuan Ohio State University USA DK Panda Zhou Jingyu University of California, Santa Barbara USA Tao Yang Zhu Yanmin Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong Lionel Ni Zhu Weirong University of Delaware USA Guang R. Gao