RapidIO Developer Summit Scheduled for May 10, 2005 in Boston

The RapidIO Trade Association today announced that Ernie Bergstrom, principal analyst with Crystal Cube Consulting, will address attendees at the RapidIO Developer Summit to be held on May 10, 2005 at Babson Executive Conference Center in Babson Park, Mass. This free, full-day Summit is designed specifically for embedded developers interested in learning how to improve their system performance, reliability, and support for convergence by using the high-speed, flexible RapidIO interconnect and fabric. In addition to a RapidIO Technology Overview, the Summit will feature expert technical sessions on topics including a comparison of RapidIO technology with various interconnects such as Gigabit Ethernet; the benefits of packet based switching in wireless infrastructure; transparent distributed processing with RapidIO technology; and much more. In addition, a RapidIO Technology Lab will feature RapidIO products ranging from IP to processors to DSPs to switches to software to full system solutions, all of which are available to build next-generation systems. In addition, the Lab will include a multi-vendor RapidIO interoperability demonstration. Registration is required and seating is limited. To register, contact Sue Leininger at the RapidIO Trade Association, sue@rapidio.org , 512.305.0070 or go to http://www.rapidio.org/ . A complimentary lunch and snacks will be provided. All attendees will receive special appreciation gifts and be entered in a prize drawing.