U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Honors AMD With ENERGY STAR

AMD announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded AMD’s Cool‘n’Quiet™ technology with an ENERGY STAR Certificate of Recognition for advancing computer energy efficiency. All AMD Athlon 64 desktop processors have the innovative Cool’n’Quiet technology, a system-level feature that lowers the power consumption of a computer whenever maximum performance is not needed. AMD received the certificate on March 15 in conjunction with the 2005 ENERGY STAR Awards Ceremony in Washington, D.C. The EPA recognized AMD for significantly advancing energy efficiency in desktop PCs. AMD demonstrated to the EPA power savings of up to 35 watts per computer, depending on the application in use, in comparison tests with PCs not supporting AMD’s Cool’n’Quiet technology. By optimizing power consumption, Cool’n’Quiet technology not only works to benefit the environment, but consumers’ energy bills as well. “The ENERGY STAR award for Cool’n’Quiet technology once again demonstrates the value of AMD’s commitment to developing customer-centric innovations that truly make a difference in people’s lives,” said Marty Seyer, corporate vice president and general manager of the Microprocessor Business Unit, Computation Products Group, AMD. “While demand for faster processors may increase power consumption, heat and noise, power management solutions such as AMD’s Cool’n’Quiet technology allow consumers to make smarter choices, saving money and energy, while contributing to an improved global environment.”