Leading Australian Research Agency Invests in MSC.Software VPD Solutions

MSC.Software Corp. today announced that Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) has purchased a MSC.MasterKey License System from MSC.Software. The MSC.MasterKey Licensing System will be implemented at the CSIRO High Performance Scientific Computing Centre, located in Melbourne, Australia, to provide a central hardware and software service for the use of CSIRO scientists and engineers across all divisions throughout Australia. The MSC.MasterKey Licensing System gives researchers at CSIRO the ability to take advantage of the breadth and depth of MSC.Software's portfolio of simulation tools within a flexible licensing system, allowing researchers to use MSC.Software simulation tools wherever and whenever they are needed. "MSC.Software enjoys a very close relationship with the world's leading research institutions and the MSC.MasterKey System is the perfect tool for their needs," says Frank Perna, chairman and chief executive officer of MSC.Software. "By providing scientists and researchers with easy access to a broad spectrum of simulation tools, they can spend more time innovating and less time dealing with the logistics of setting up experiments or dealing with bureaucracy. We have a strong team in Australia and I am confident that the engineers at CSIRO will look forward to working with them and enjoying the industry's best simulation software portfolio." "The extremely wide science and engineering research scope undertaken by CSIRO is a perfect example of the reasons why flexible software licensing is critical for research programs involving personnel located across nationally distributed sites," said Dr. Rhys Francis, Director, CSIRO High Performance Scientific Computing. "The diversity of research programs plus the large number of projects and teams was the perfect environment for MSC.MasterKey. Instant access to diverse software via a streamlined licensing arrangement from one provider, will provide increased productivity and cost reductions through elimination of license redundancies. Locating the license service with the High Performance Scientific Computing Centre allows solvers to run on the fastest available machines in CSIRO and gives access to large memory sizes, allowing researchers to tackle problems beyond the capabilities of desktop systems."