Teranode Announces Support for SBML Level 2

Teranode Corporation the leading provider of design automation software for the life sciences industry today announced support for SBML Level 2 in the company's VLX Design Suite offering. Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is the standard for electronic data exchange of biochemical models in life sciences environments. The newest version of VLX Design Suite enables researchers to jump start model development by reusing Internet-accessible SBML models. Additionally, VLX Design Suite simplifies collaboration between scientists by allowing them to export and share biochemical models using SBML. "Adoption of open industry standards such as XML and SBML will be essential elements in simplifying the much-needed collaboration between academics, research organizations, and corporations. SBML makes it easier and less costly to communicate complex biochemical systems which have been to-date locked in proprietary databases," said John C. Doyle a principal investigator for SBML.org, the organization that guides SBML development. "The real benefit here is the acceleration of discovery and innovation." "The vision of SBML is becoming a reality through applications like VLX Design Suite," said Zheng Li, Teranode Chief Science Officer. "Now researchers can easily reuse models from SBML.org or other repositories saving valuable time and effort in model development. These models can then be quickly enhanced through collaboration and experimentation and republished back to the research community." The VLX Design Suite serves as an important modeling application for extending the value of SBML models and simplifies SBML model development and collaboration through the following: * Graphical visualization and editing * Annotation * Metadata editing and viewing * Search * Simulation * Experimental data management VLX Design Suite V1.4 is available immediately for trial and purchase at http://www.teranode.com/