Think Computer Products Releases Opteron Based ThinkTank Q-Stations

Today, Think Computer Products announced the release of their latest AMD Opteron Series Multi-Processor based 1U servers and cluster nodes that provide "the most power per square inch of footprint space," according to Think Computer Products' Enterprise Integration Manager, Michael Jordan. The first two systems released under the ThinkTank Q-Station X-Way Series are the ThinkTank Q-Station X2+2 and the ThinkTank Q-Station X4. The X2+2 features two AMD Opteron 200 Series Processors, 2 Infiniband interconnects integrated on an Iwill motherboard and supports up to 16GB of memory (8GB per processor). The ThinkTank Q-Station X4 merges the power of 4 AMD Opteron 800 Series processors in a single, cool-running 1U, well within the lab and "real world" thermal specifications. Each X4 supports up to 32GB of CPU memory, includes four integrated Intel 82546EBGig-E interfaces and supports the Mellanox InfiniHost MT23108 Infiniband connection. Optionally, the system will support 10Gig-E & 10Gig-E-C4X via risers. While the X2+2 ships with 2 Infiniband connectors, and the X4 supports Infiniband connector upgrades, both systems support separate, dedicated memory slots for the Mellanox MT23108A1-LBC InfiniHost memory slots. The systems feature dual Intel 82546DB Gig-E slots and IPMI slots for hardware/software based network monitoring. ThinkTank Q-Station X-Ways specifications are at and "The [ThinkTank] Q-Station X-Ways series puts us at the cutting edge, and not the 'bleeding-edge of IT budgets'. We're still in the process of finalizing pricing, but it's well within the budget of most hpc [high performance computing] enterprise customers. Our [ThinkTank Q-Station] X-Ways systems are among the most powerful, commercially proven technologies -- and packing them in incredibly compact spaces -- which is perfect for a lot of our customers that have to squeeze huge computing resources into spaces the size of sardine cans at times ... Iwill did one heck of a job engineering the new boards integrated in our Q-Station X-Ways series," said Michael Jordan, ThinkCP Enterprise Solutions Manager.