Opening a treasure chest of memories

Australian Internet researchers are developing revolutionary technology to simplify the use of computers by older people and enhance the sharing of information. At the same time it may offer all Australians a priceless gift - access to the recollections, wisdom and experiences of their elders. Working with seniors from the Port Hacking Probus Club, researchers from the Smart Internet Cooperative Research Centre and National ICT Australia (NICTA) are this month field-testing the first of a series of groundbreaking technologies designed for easy use by people 65 and above "When we first talked, many older people told us they regarded computers as horrifically complex, unreliable and designed for experts - not for people," explains Senior Researcher Fellow, University of Sydney, Dr Aaron Quiqley. "We decided to see what we could do about that." The result was Project Nightingale - named after the Nightingale nurses who, historically, cared for the elderly. Its first two prototypes, an electronic scrapbook and an electronic table, have none of the peripheral impediments of computers, no keyboards, mice, or complex software to master. Instead they can be operated entirely by touch, speech and pen, as you would with photos, notes and scrapbooks. Behavioural research has shown the importance of reminiscing, as an aid to keeping the elderly mentally fit and socially active - so Dr Quiqley's team are working on easy-to-use technology that helps people to share memories. "We're designing for those people who are approaching the decision of whether to stay in their own homes, or go into care. The aim is to give people technologies that help them remain connected, socially and intellectually, and so able to live independently for longer," he explains. "In addition, sharing memories and experiences with your peers and family can be a lot of fun." Research with the Port Hacking retirees showed that many people kept scrapbooks as a way of reminiscing, so the CRC team has designed an electronic scrapbook which can contain pictures, clippings, hand-written notes written with an infra-red pen, and voice notes. "We've also designed it so, by ticking a box, you can put it on the internet and share it with your family and friends," he adds. "Potentially, this offers a wonderful way to access the memories and experiences of older generations. I imagine a time when there are thousands of these kinds of recollections on the internet and you can order your computer to create a special program containing people's memories of a certain period or event - a sort of do-it-yourself documentary." The Smart Internet/NICTA team has also developed applications for an electronic table at which users can sit and pass around photographs, only the 'photos' are images on the table which can be manipulated - rotated, enlarged or copied - using your hands. "We've tried to make it as intuitive as possible, so that you handle the virtual images in much the same way as you would ordinary photographs," Dr Quigley says. Initial responses of users to the technology have ranged from excitement and delight to comments that it is "off the planet" and concern about the old problem of computers - having to learn a new skill every time there is an update. Dr Quigley promises to keep it as simple to use as possible. Port Hacking Probus Club president Jan Barber says that being part of the research has been a very exciting experience for her members. "One person can accumulate so much knowledge and experience and gain so many insights during their lifetime that digging out and using all the information is really a problem." The Nightingale technology offers a simpler way to do just that, says Smart Internet CEO Professor Darrell Williamson. "One of our goals is to help integrate technological innovation and social and behavioural science. Current technologies do little to bridge the gap between the memories of an earlier generation and a computing medium that enables them to be stored and accessed. In this, Nightingale is leading the field." These new technologies will also bring radical changes to the Internet as a whole and the group is also working to understand and meet these changes. Dr. Bjorn Landfeldt at the University of Sydney, a researcher in the group says, "We are now working with technologies that use a large number of small devices that are very different from PCs, and the sheer scale of the Internet will change drastically with these technologies." Project Nightingale is a joint project between the Smart Internet CRC and National ICT Australia, a publicly-funded company with a charter to build national capacity and excellence in IT research, training and commercialisation. Project Nightingale addresses National Research Priorities 2 and 3 - promoting and maintaining health and frontier technologies and a demonstration can be seen at the Australian Technology Park Open Day on 6 October, 2004.