Justice Technology Services Division Turns to Cognos

Justice Technology Services (JTS), the information technology sector of the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services has implemented Cognos business intelligence solutions. Cognos is the world leader in enterprise business intelligence (EBI) and corporate performance management solutions. JTS is creating a performance-oriented culture where measuring performance and processes is an important factor in improving customer service, measuring service delivery against promises, and understanding service data. JTS provides services and support to the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, the Ministry of Attorney General, the Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat and their external Justice partners that enable a modern, effective, and efficient justice system. The implementation of Cognos will allow JTS to monitor IT's service performance and compliance to make sure effectiveness, efficiency and customer service goals are being met. Cognos' scorecarding capabilities will also allow JTS to assess whether or not service level agreements are being met and will provide them with insight into how service can be improved. Problems can be flagged and the data provided can be used to make other critical business decisions such as re- allocation of resources. "Cognos has given us the ability to display data, publicize it, make it relevant and make accountability a factor," said Maria Ritchie, Manager of Performance Measurement and Evaluation. "Cognos' scorecarding solution allows us to measure performance and processes which moves us away from concentration solely on technological excellence and towards becoming a more service-focused organization. This includes meeting current deadlines and ensuring excellent customer service." "Cognos enables government departments to monitor all levels of operational and strategic information needs and make tactical decisions based on all relevant information gathered," said Terrence Atkinson, director of public sector solutions, Cognos. "By implementing scorecarding solutions, JTS is able to better evaluate crucial delivery information regarding timely completion of service level agreements and allows customers to see relevant data, making accountability a bigger factor and increasing organizational performance."