Univerisity of Minnesota and IBM Sponsor ScicomP8 Tutorials

Minneapolis, Minnesota - The eighth meeting of the IBM System Scientific Computing User Group, ScicomP8, will include an outstanding set of tutorials. And, thanks to the generosity of the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute for Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation and IBM, the tutorials will be included in the meeting registration fee. The Supercomputing Institute, the meeting host is an interdisciplinary research program that provides supercomputing resources and user support to faculty and students and is providing all meeting space in addition to sponsorship funding. "Recent sponsorship gifts from the Institute and IBM have allowed us not only to set a very low registration fee of $130, but also to forego any additional charge for tutorial attendance," said Bronis R. de Supinski, ScicomP President. "The meeting, which will be held on August 5-8, 2003 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, features an outstanding set of tutorials. We will once again have the popular Power4 Optimization tutorial presented by IBM staff members Bob Blainey, Charles Grassl and David Klepacki, as well as two excellent new tutorials." The Performance Evaluation Research Center (PERC), an Integrated Software Infastracture Center (ISIC) of the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing of the Department of Energy's Office of Science, will present the ScicomP's first-ever hands-on tutorial. This tutorial will cover the advanced performance analysis and modeling tools being developed by PERC. The third tutorial will cover Computational Aspects of Life Science Applications. Carlos Sosa, an IBM expert in computational chemistry and life sciences, will help ScicomP expand into this important emerging area of high performance computing. The expectation is that several user talks will also cover computational aspects of biology and chemistry. In addition to the outstanding set of tutorials the meeting will feature an opening keynote address by William Pulleyblank, IBM Director of Deep Computing Institute and Director of Exploratory Server Systems, on current and near-term IBM high performance computing directions. In addition, the meeting will continue the organization's well known series of talks on detailed aspects of IBM hardware and software near and long term plans. The ScicomP meeting series enables computational scientists, engineers and scientific users of high performance computing systems to learn about tools and techniques for developing applications that achieve maximum performance and scalability on IBM SP and pSeries systems. Proposals for user and vendor presentations are now being solicited and abstracts for proposed user presentations can be submitted via the web form at www.spscicomp.org/ScicomP8/userpres.html. With an emphasis on their application to IBM systems, topics of interest include scalable algorithms, high-end system performance tools, hybrid programming models, exploiting system architectures, scheduling and execution frameworks. The deadline for submissions is Friday, July 11 2003. Additional information on this meeting, including registration information can be found on the ScicomP8 web site at www.spscicomp.org/ScicomP8/. The agenda will be updated as it develops. For questions regarding technical presentations, contact Bronis de Supinski at bronis@llnl.gov. For questions on registration and local accommodations contact Shuxia Zhang (szhang@msi.umn.edu).