FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS, SECOND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, October 16-18, 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia The 2nd ISPDC will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia and will be organized within the framework of the IS'2003 Multiconference ( It will follow the first ISPDC that took place in Iasi, Romania, in July, 2001 (see An important feature of this Symposium was the high quality of presented material and the friendly and relaxed atmosphere which encouraged the exchange of ideas. These will be our goals also this year. Due to the fact that the symposium will be organized as one of eight events it will help establishing links with researchers in other fields. We therefore hope that the second meeting will be as successful as the first. Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for presentation or publication elsewhere) describing theoretical and/or experimental research. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following aspects of parallel and/or distributed
computing: - algorithms, models and formal verification
- software agents and multi-agent systems
- programming paradigms and tools
- resource discovery and management
- task and communication scheduling
- performance management
- cluster, grid and heterogeneous computing
- mobile and ubiquitous computing and systems
- parallel, distributed and mobile databases
- peer-to-peer and web computing and services
- adaptive computing
- web distributed computing
- real-time distributed systems
- security
- fault tolerance
- scientific computing and large-scale simulations
- applications and case studies The corresponding author is requested to include in a cover letter: (1) complete postal address; (2) e-mail address; and (3) Phone/fax numbers. Only electronic submissions in the PDF, PS, and DOC format are accepted. The files should be emailed to All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 referees of the international Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings(additional information will be forthcoming; including publisher name, paper length and the detailed formatting instructions). IMPORTANT DATES: August 1, 2003 - paper submission deadline
September 7, 2003 - notification to authors
September 28, 2003 - camera-ready papers due **************************************************************************** SYMPOSIUM CHAIR
Marcin Paprzycki, USA Steering Committee Dan Grigoras, Ireland, ISPDC'02 Chair
Matjaz Juric, Slovenia
John Morrison, Ireland, ISPDC'04 Chair
Borut Robic, Slovenia
Jurij Silc, Slovenia
Roman Trobec, Slovenia
Tatjana Welzer, Slovenia
Robert Wrembel, Poland International Program Committee
Sahin Albayrak, Germany
Pierluigi Amodio, Italy
Mark Baker, UK
Sabin-Corneliu Buraga, Romania, Web-master
Maurice Clint, North Ireland
Giacomo Cabri, Italy
Valentin Cristea, Romania
Vincenzo D'Andrea, Italy
Cenk Erdur, Turkey
Pingzhi Fan, China
Bertil Folliot, France
E. (Stratis) Gallopoulos, Greece
Henry Hexmoor, USA
Helen Karatza, Greece
Erricos Kontoghiorghes, Switzerland
Sofiane Labidi, Brasil
Svetozar Margenov, Bulgaria
Igor Molchanov, Ukraine
Traian Muntean, France
Alex Nicolau, USA
George Papadopoulos, Cyprus
Dana Petcu, Romania
Shahram Rahimi, USA
Omer F. Rana, UK
Isaac D. Scherson, USA
Bernard Toursel, France
Denis Trystram, France
Marek Tudruj, Poland
David Walker, UK
Arkady Zaslavsky, Australia