Open Clustering Announces Shogun Cluster Infrastructure Manager

SURREY, UK -- Open Clustering announce Shogun - a powerful software suite developed to enable administrators to configure, manage and monitor large-scale system deployments built from Open Clustering's Samurai Blade Server, or blade hardware and rackmount systems from other vendors. "Shogun marks the very beginning of our development of large-scale infrastructure management applications", announced Mr. James Chivers, Open Clustering's CTO. "We are delighted with the extensible management platform that is Shogun, and believe that it will have a major impact on the way large and complex multi-site Blade and rackmount server installations are managed. Our future strategy with Shogun includes a move into fully autonomous system setup, configuration and management, self-healing and replication, and auto cluster deployment," Mr. Chivers concluded. A selection of Shogun's extensive features include: -- Full SNMP Logging, Alerts & Management -- Remote System Access (SSH, Telnet & VNC) -- Remote Hardware Management (Power On/Off/Reboot) -- Cluster Software Configuration & Monitoring (openMosix, Linux-HA & Beowulf) -- Multi-Tier Authentication & Access Permissioning -- Detailed Operating System & Networking View -- Asset Tagging & Management -- User-Adaptive System Probing -- Integrated MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) Support -- Infrastructure Resource Monitoring & Planning -- Infrastructure-Wide Search & Query Agent -- Real-Time System Status Ticker -- Third Party Module Support & Integration -- Multi-System Actions (Concurrent Operation Support) -- System Data Export & Reporting Functions Through Shogun's platform independent core, the application is able to support Blade Servers from Open Clustering, RLX, Dell, Compaq/HP, Tatung and forth-coming offerings from IBM and Sun Microsystems. Additionally, hardware systems managed need not be based solely on blade server technology, and can thus be standard rackmount/server systems, or are combination of the two technologies. Supported operating systems include Linux (RedHat, SuSE, Debian and others), *BSD, Sun Solaris and Microsoft NT/2K/XP. Application support is rich and varied depending upon OS under management. Further information and an online demo of Shogun can be found at