Whitepaper: Tips & Tricks for the Use of PUE as a Management Tool for Server Rooms

Data centre supplier Minkels gives specific user advice as regards Power Usage Effectiveness

Data centre supplier Minkels has issued a whitepaper containing highly specific implementation and user advice for the use of Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) as a management tool for server rooms and data centres. PUE data reflects the energy efficiency and, at the same time, the level of professionalism of a server room or data centre. The whitepaper provides server room managers, IT managers, data centremanagers, as well as general managers, with useful guidelines towards realising - in a step-by-step approach - the professional use of PUE in their organisation.

The whitepaper 'Tips & Tricks for a professional use of PUE as a management tool' was written by Niek van der Pas, PUE specialist at the R&D Department of data centre supplier Minkels. The document, which counts 20 pages and is available in English, can be downloaded via: http://www.minkels.com/whitepaper.

PUE Server Room: Basic, Advanced and Master level

The Power Usage Effectiveness of a computer room is a term that was introduced to the market by The Green Grid. It is a measurement method whereby the total energy consumption of a server room or data centre is divided by the IT load, which represents the power consumption of IT equipment. The resulting data gives insight into the energy efficiency of the server room architecture.

"The correct use of PUE in an organisation can generate a wealth of statistical data," says Niek van der Pas, PUE specialist at the R&D department of Minkels. "For example, you can identify the power actually consumed by IT equipment. Through accurate monitoring and sound analysis and interpretation of the acquired PUE information, you can make targeted infrastructural changes to the architecture and management of a server room or data centre. Results can be realised in terms of energy efficiency optimisation, as well as raising the general level of professionalism and creating Operational Excellence in a server room."

The Minkels whitepaper contains specific tips on, for example, how to implement a PUE model in three steps (Basic PUE, Advanced PUE and Master PUE) for the phased embedment in an organisation of PUE as a management tool for server rooms. "While a Master PUE level is ultimately preferable, it is easy to start at Basic level, with only minimal investments required," says Van der Pas. "Via the Advanced level, which involves a slightly higher investment but produces more reliable PUE outcome, an organisation can gradually work its way towards the Master level."

Relationship between PUE investment and results
The Minkels whitepaper also includes tips on: Implementation of PUE processes and the distribution of PUE information in an organisation. The influence of business models on PUE monitoring options. Creating organisational support for investment in PUE monitoring. Finding the correct balance between PUE investments and PUE results. Realising quick wins by optimising the PUE value. The use of specific PUE monitoring instruments. The exact locations in the server room where measurements should be taken at specific times in order to acquire the correct PUE information.

"Armed with information from the whitepaper, server room managers, IT managers, managers of commercial data centres, as well as general managers, can make concrete use of PUE as a management tool for server runs," says Van der Pas. "The information can be used to make the best infrastructural choices as regards the architecture and management of a server room or data centre. The Minkels product portfolio includes a number of excellent solutions to measure and manage PUE values."