Ethertronics' New EtherSmart LTE 1.0 Enables Consistently High Performance for LTE Devices

Ethertronics announced its EtherSmart LTE 1.0 Phone Adaptive Antenna solution for smartphones and tablets. EtherSmart LTE 1.0 enables OEMs to accommodate the trend toward compact form factors, without tradeoffs in data and video performance; through the use of advanced active impedance matching techniques.

EtherSmart LTE 1.0 features an advanced open loop design, which provides much of the benefits of a closed loop design, but a more efficient, cost-effective approach. Through the use of an active impedance matching design, characteristics of the antenna/RF performance can be adapted to the environment experienced by the antenna.

The design benefits of EtherSmart LTE 1.0 include:

Highly compact size. EtherSmart LTE 1.0 can reduce the antenna's physical volume by 50 percent while ensuring that devices still maintain compliance with standards such as 3GPP Release 8 (LTE). As a result, OEMs can meet the demand for compact devices, without performance tradeoffs. The gain in physical volume in the mobile device can either be used to save space or add functionality not otherwise possible.

Offsetting body effects. The EtherSmart LTE 1.0 advanced design supports the ability to compensate for the detuning of the antenna system due to hand and head effects. This has been recognized as a common phenomenon in all mobile devices. The range of detuning will vary and this solution can adapt to ensure highest performance possible to support high quality voice, video, or data.

"EtherSmart LTE 1.0 enables device vendors to rapidly develop LTE smartphones and tablets that deliver consistently high performance across multiple bands and under a wide variety of environmental conditions," said Laurent Desclos, CEO of Ethertronics. "The introduction of EtherSmart LTE 1.0 further underscores our expertise in understanding the overall RF system and our ability to bring to market advanced antenna system architectures that provide optimal performance and connectivity."