CESGA Delivers Best Master's Thesis Project HPC 2010/2011 Award

The awards ceremony will be on Monday, November 21 at 17:15 at CESGA, preceded by the Merit Exhibition of final projects.

On Monday, the Best Master's Thesis Project HPC 2010/2011 Award will be presented for the first time at the Galicia Supercomputing Center, CESGA. This event is organized by the Universidade da Coruña, UDC, the University of Santiago de Compostela, USC, and the Galicia Supercomputing Center, CESGA, with participation and sponsorship from HP and Bull and collaboration with IBM, Fujitsu, AMD, and GOMPUTE, and Colexio Professional Computer Enxeñería in Galicia, CPEIG. The Exhibition of Achievements of the HPC Masters finalists, in charge of their authors, will start at 16:00 hours. After deliberation the jury, the award ceremony will take place at 17.15.

The Masters in High Performance Computing has the main objective of training professionals, technologists and researchers in the field of supercomputers architecture and high performance computing. This affects the academic, research and technology transfer that will allow students to join innovative centers and departments, research and development, technology parks, industrial parks, high-tech centers, and start the realization of the PhD thesis in the field of supercomputing.

HP and Bull in the framework of the collaboration for the Master in HPC have established two awards for Best Master's Thesis projects to stimulate jobs and prospective students to recognize and publicize the results of this work obtained.

Students choose to award the Master HPC whose projects were presented and qualified with a minimum grade of outstanding during the academic year 2010 -2011. The finalists are:

  • Cores Iván González, "Reducing the size of checkpoint files in tools variable-level checkpointing."
  • Darriba Diego Lopez: "jModelTest 2: Fast Selection of Best-fit Models of DNA Evolution."
  • Jesus Gonzalez Perez, "Discretization of the 2D Schrodinger equation by finite element method."
  • Juan López Gómez, "Development on GPU techniques for target detection in images hyperspectral using neural networks."
  • Rey Roberto Exposito, "Efficient Communication Mechanisms on High-Speed ​​Networks for the Java Message-passing Library F-MPJ."

The jury will consist of five members: Patricia Gonzalez, UDC, Master Coordinator , Juan Carlos Pichel Campos, USC, Secretary and three members of the jury: Ignacio Lopez Cabido, CESGA Associate Director, David Mosquera, Manager of Major Accounts, Galicia, HP and Alberto Retana, Director General, Public Sector, Health and Education, Bull.

The jury makes its decisions on the projects submitted in accordance with criteria technical quality of work, originality and degree of innovation and applicability of solutions innovative technology in the area of each of the companies. During the act, the authors of the finalists will make a brief presentation and summary of the merits of each project. Then, after appropriate deliberation, the jury will determine and publish the projects of the winner of each prize.

HP will award the Best Master Thesis project with a high technology product from HP and a prize from Bull for the best project and a visit to the center of skills and advanced services at BULL, Echirolles (Grenoble, France).{hwdvs-related}number=3|keywords=cesga{/hwdvs-related}

Graduates of the Masters in High Performance Computing can be included in centers or I+D+i: research groups (for example, Galician High Performance Computing on the Web involving a total of 13 groups of 3 Galician universities with research in diverse fields such as chemistry, bioinformatics, atmospheric physics, nonlinear physics, etc..) technology centers (for example, in Galicia there are multiple technology centers, both public and private among CESGA), data processing centers (DPCs are in Galicia from various companies, and government agencies), and companies (like HP or Bull){dmMaps strt="1321625031" DO NOT EDIT/REMOVE, HIDDEN ON THE FRONTEND ;) }.

They may also begin the implementation of a doctoral thesis in the area of high performance computing. The Master gives access, among others, PhD Official Program Interuniversity Research in Information Technology, which has received mention recently to Excellence granted by the Ministry of Education, with recognizing the scientific, technical and educational programs for the best PhD in Spanish universities.

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