Mechdyne, Unity Demo Life‐like Battle Training Simulations at I/ITSEC 2011

Mechdyne Corporation and Unity Technologies are partnering at I/ITSEC 2011 to demonstrate the Unity game engine paired with Mechdyne’s getReal3D for Unity software, bringing true‐to‐life realism to simulations running on 3D immersive displays.

“We are utilizing our getReal3D software to take the Unity Bootcamp first‐personshooter game experience to an all new serious‐gaming level,” explained Matt Szymanski, Vice President of Products for Mechdyne’s Software Division. “With getReal3D for Unity, we have added stereoscopic viewing, motion tracking and navigation, user‐based perspective, and wide field of view high resolution rendering.

These technological advancements bring a whole new level of realism and life‐like interaction to any kind of simulation, including battle field scenarios,” he said. At I/ITSEC 2011, Mechdyne will also incorporate a tracked weapon with “aim down the sights” capability. This will bring even more realism to in‐the‐field training scenarios, where realistic simulation and training can often be used to help save lives.

Come experience this new technology at Unity’s booth #2363, on an 85” Panasonic HD 3D stereo plasma display enhanced by Mechdyne. To find out more about getReal3D for Unity for simulations, visit: .