Qualcomm Atheros Announces the Availability of the Killer E2100 Game Networking Platform on GIGABYTE Motherboards

Qualcomm Atheros announced that the Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2100 game networking platform is integrated and available in new GIGABYTE G1.Assassin 2 motherboards based on the Intel X79 Express Chipset. The Killer E2100 Network Processing Unit is a high-performance Gigabit Ethernet controller designed for faster game traffic and better networking for all online applications. The Killer E2100 provides superior networking for games, HD video and streaming audio through Advanced Stream Detect, Visual Bandwidth Control and Application Priority.

"The people who purchase our motherboards demand the ability to play games, watch movies and stream content in HD how they want and when they want without any interruption," said Tim Handley, deputy director of motherboard marketing at GIGABYTE. "Killer E2100 is a perfect addition to our portfolio of motherboards based on the X79 chipset, as it delivers our customers the best in high-performance networking along with complete control of bandwidth allocation. This ensures a top-quality experience and faster-paced game play."

Killer E2100 is the only network processing unit available for high-performance networking that is specifically targeted to the gaming sector. Its Advanced Stream Detect feature automatically identifies online games, HD video and high-quality audio for a better experience and fewer interruptions. The Visual Bandwidth Control feature allows the user to see which applications are hogging bandwidth and tune performance for each application so they do not interfere with online game play. The Application Priority feature automatically puts high-priority, latency-sensitive network data such as gaming and real-time VoIP streams ahead of all other network traffic.

"GIGABYTE motherboards are known in the industry to provide excellent graphics, audio and networking capabilities and we are excited to be the network performance pick for these motherboards," said Todd Antes, vice president of product management at Qualcomm Atheros Inc. "At Qualcomm Atheros, we are focused on providing high-performance technology that empowers people to have full control over their home networks. The Killer Technology product line continues to be a noteworthy addition with its outstanding performance, unrivaled intelligence and superior control."