Joint Techs Focus On SDN, Cloud SC, Emerging Technologies, Data-Intensive Science Infrastructure Support

The Winter 2012 Joint Techs conference will focus on software-defined networking (SDN), cloud supercomputing (SC), emerging technologies, and infrastructure support for data-intensive science. 

The meeting, co-sponsored by the ESnet Site Coordinating Committee (ESCC) and Internet2, will be held Sunday, Jan. 22, through Thursday, Jan. 26, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the C.B. Pennington Jr. Building, C. B. Pennington Biomedical Research Center, and will be hosted by the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative (LONI). The deadline for the early registration discount is Wednesday, Dec. 21 and the hotel lodging deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 4. To register, go to 

Mike McPherson of the University of Virginia and Mike Bennett of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will lead the discussions on cloud computing and emerging technologies on Monday, Jan. 23. Steve Corbato of the University of Utah and Eli Dart from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) will chair the sessions on infrastructure support for data-intensive science on Tuesday, Jan. 24. Matt Davy from Indiana University and Jason Lee from the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) will lead the software-defined networking meetings on Wednesday, Jan. 25. 

In addition, tutorials will be held on constructing an OpenFlow network, installing equipment in a Colocation/Telco facility and building a successful infrastructure to support data intensive science. 

On January 25 and 26 following the Joint Techs meeting, the ESCC will holds its semi-annual meeting of its members, providing a technical forum that helps establish community practices to ensure the smooth operation of the ESnet-connected sites. 

In addition, a network performance workshop, GLIF meeting and NetGurus sessions will be colocated with Joint Techs during the week of the conference. 

For registration, general information, and a full schedule, go to