Kaminario Reviews the Year 2011: The Launch Pad for SSD Storage

Kaminario has posted to its blog, the I/O Storm, a review of 2011, declaring it "The Launch Pad for SSD Storage." Written by Kaminario CEO and Founder, Dani Golan, the article highlights the past year's developments in SSD storage, which has "built up a head of steam for a takeoff in 2012."

Those SSD storage developments include the spike in venture capital funding in SSD startups coupled with the continued decline in SSD pricing, bringing new SSD technologies and making SSD more feasible for critical enterprise applications that would benefit from its random read and write performance.

The article also discusses the continuation of "hybridification" with major storage vendors offering hybrid Flash/hard disk combinations as well as options for incorporating SSD drives in existing RAID solutions. Golan points out:

"The obvious issue that comes up is the performance bottleneck that occurs when legacy RAID and disk controllers designed for much slower mechanical hard disks sit in front of SSD drives. The startups still have an edge when it comes to SSD optimized architectures."

The Kaminario K2, with its SPEAR architecture enabling customers to scale performance and capacity independently, was the first to market this year with a true hybrid product combining Flash and DRAM in a SAN-based solution optimized for SSD performance and low latency.

View the Kaminario I/O Storm blog article, "The Year in Review: 2011, The Launch Pad for SSD Storage."