Henning Schulzrinne Appointed FCC CTO

Internet2 released today the following statements regarding FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski’s appointment of Henning Schulzrinne as Chief Technology Officer.

David Lassner, Vice President for Information Technology & 
Chief Information Officer, University of Hawaii

“As a CIO and active participant in Internet2 and the higher education community, I am thrilled that Henning will be taking on this key role for the FCC.  Henning has been a pioneer and leader in modernizing telephony and bringing Internet technologies to bear on global communications challenges.  He understands not just common legacy practices, but what has been proven and must be done if we are to restore U.S. competitiveness and leadership in broadband telecommunications. This is very important for our community.”

Jack Suess, Chief Information Officer, University of Maryland Baltimore County and Chair of Internet2’s Applications, Middleware, and Services Advisory Council  

"For a number of years, Henning has not just been an active, thoughtful and engaged participant in Internet2’s advisories but his input has proven tremendously valuable on numerous occasions. I know that all members of the AMSAC greatly respect Henning. Henning also works hard to understand all sides to an issue and find solutions that can meet or balance the needs of all stakeholders. Beyond his expertise, what makes Henning special is how collegial he is and how he works with people in a group to build consensus. This appointment comes at an extremely timely point in time and on behalf of the AMSAC and as a community member, I am delighted that the FCC has made this appointment"

Pierce E. Cantrell, Vice President & Associate Provost for Information Technology, Texas A&M University:

“Dr. Schulzrinne is a recognized networking researcher and academic leader at Columbia University, and his research and standards work has both national and international impact,” said Pierce E. Cantrell, vice president & associate provost for information technology, Texas A&M University. “He is a senior contributor to many Internet standards, including SIP (the principle protocol for Voice of IP) and LoST (a location based routing protocol), both of which have enabled a transition to next generation emergency communications services.

“In particular, his work with colleagues at Texas A&M University in deploying the first Next Generation 9-1-1 network for the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Commerce has set the stage for advances in the next few years. I know the US higher education and R&E community will benefit from Henning’s expertise. He is a person of both vision and practice who can provide technical leadership at the FCC.”

David Lambert, Internet2 CEO and President:

“I am very pleased that Dr. Schulzrinne has been named to this important position. Dr. Schulzrinne is a recognized leader in the Internet2 community, active participant in our community and in our governance. Dr. Schulzrinne’s contributions to technology development and toward its early implementation and adoption by the research and education community and beyond, proving the viability of previously “impossible” applications, will translate to policy decisions that help Internet2 members and enhance American competitiveness. Our community looks forward to working with Henning in this expanded and exciting role.”
Henning Schulzrinne