NCKU Builds Taiwan’s Most Efficient Supercomputing Center

A Supercomputing Research Center will be established in collaboration with IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in southern Taiwan as one of the four top transnational projects sponsored by National Science Council of Taiwan.

“in the short term, the center aims at bilateral research cooperation with IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, in the mid-term, the center will join BlueGene Consortium to share and develop computer software and in the long run, the center will promote the high-speed computation cloud technology services.”

Dr. Huang Chi chuan, the project director of the research center, also chair professor of engineering science and vice president of the Academic Affairs of NCKU, pinpointed the vision of the center, “in the short term, the center aims at bilateral research cooperation with IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, in the mid-term, the center will join BlueGene Consortium to share and develop computer software and in the long run, the center will promote the high-speed computation cloud technology services.”

The Center will work together with IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center about disaster prevention technology, energy technology, advanced medical equipment, biomedical research and photoelectric technology.

According to Huang, the members of the research team are 63 in total, including the experts and scholars in such fields as engineering, biodrug, fundamental science, etc. in order to integrate and share academic resources.

The center integrates the research teams of NCKU and IBM to transport the analysis and design of quantum computers. “We will take the research in the floating point computation capacity of 20 petaflops as our target,” Huang added.

National Cheng Kung University