EMC delivers EMC VFCache

EMC delivers EMC VFCache, formerly known as "Project Lightning," a new hardware and software solution leveraging PCIe Flash technology and intelligent caching software that dramatically increases throughput and reduces latency.

The powerful combination of EMC Flash-enabled enterprise storage arrays with VFCache extends the benefits of PCIe Flash technology from edge case social media and Internet to mainstream applications. Testing in mission critical database environments (such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle) showed up-to 3X throughput improvement and 60% reduction in latency.

VFCache extends a new "high performance" tier of storage into the server, integrating with and leveraging the benefits of intelligent EMC FAST (Fully Automated Storage Tiering) technology.

New VFCache extends the protection benefits of EMC's market-leading Symmetrix VMAX, Symmetrix VMAXe, EMC VNX and EMC VNXe Flash-enabled storage arrays into the server, delivering advanced data services including high availability, integrity, reliability and disaster recovery.

EMC is previewing "Project Thunder," a purpose-built, low-latency, server networked Flash-based appliance that is scalable, serviceable, and shareable. Designed for real-world applications, "Project Thunder" will deliver I/Os measured in millions and timed in microseconds.