HPC summer school deadline approaching

Three weeks remain before the deadline to apply to the third international Summer School on High Performance Computing (HPC) Challenges in Computational Sciences. The deadline is March 18, 2012, and details and the application are at: https://www.xsede.org/web/summerschool12
Selected applicants will spend June 24-28, 2012, in the Royal Marine Hotel, just outside Dublin, Ireland, learning issues related to HPC challenges and networking with experts in the field, as leading American and European computational scientists and HPC technologists present a variety of topics. The program will benefit graduate and postdoctoral students from European and U.S. institutions who currently use HPC to conduct research. Participation is free of charge to students who are selected and includes accommodations and full board in Dublin. Support for travel costs is also available to students selected to participate who are from U.S. institutions.
The summer school is cosponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) project and the European Union Seventh Framework Program’s Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE).
Scott Lathrop, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, NCSA, United States, lathrop@illinois.edu
Hermann Lederer, RZG, Max Planck Society, Germany, lederer@rzg.mpg.de
Simon Wong, ICHEC, Ireland, simon.wong@ichec.ie
More information on PRACE and XSEDE:  www.prace-ri.eu and www.xsede.org