Huge Data Analytics: Calpont InfiniDB Columnar DBMS Empowers New Research with The World's First Searchable Genotype Database

Calpont Corporation announced today at the Strata Conference how its high performance analytic database InfiniDB is being used to solve new and emerging Big Data problems.

The presentation titled, "Huge Data Analytics: Calpont InfiniDB Columnar DBMS Empowers New Research with The World's First Searchable Genotype Database," will be featured at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 29 in Ballroom G at the Santa Clara Convention Center. The presentation will discuss how advances in columnar databases are creating bio-science opportunities that were previously not possible.

Fernanda Foertter, HPC Scientific Programmer at Genus Plc, and Jim Tommaney, CTO at Calpont, will share how the team at Genus discovered an innovative way to store and access the huge volumes of data being generated modeling genotypes. The presentation will also discuss the benefits of column storage and how InfiniDB's built in map-reduce empowers high performance Big Data analytics. A perfect fit for a number of growing Big Data challenges, InfiniDB was designed from the inception for large scale, high performance dimensional analytics, predictive analytics, and ad-hoc business intelligence.

Calpont also announced today the next generation of its popular columnar database, InfiniDB 3 will be available in April 2012. The new release boasts capabilities to capitalize on a variety of data structures and deployment variations to meet organizations' need for a flexible and scalable Big Data architecture that is simple to deploy and maintain.