Raima Changes how they Bundle their Database Software to Better Align with Market Trends

Raima announced that they are changing how they bundle their Raima Database Manager (RDM) system software starting with the upcoming release of RDM 11.

“Raima provides seamless access to information residing on Mobile devices like the Tablet (IOS and Android), within Embedded Systems, Desktop & Server applications all the way up into the Enterprise”, said Steinar Sande, CEO. “There are unique differences in the requirements within the various software segments.” “With this release we made the decision to change the way we distribute and market our database solutions to better serve these software segments.”

The new product distributions will be implemented in the upcoming release of RDM 11 and will provide targeted functionality and optimization required by engineers developing applications within the four main software segments:

  • Mobile
  • Embedded
  • Desktop & Server
  • Enterprise

Mobile Applications:
RDM Mobile is a high-performance, database management system ideal for the developer who is creating a standalone application for a smart phone or tablet device. For the iOS platform, this package includes a new Objective C API which provides an intuitive and familiar interface for Apple developers.

RDM Mobile Plus includes everything in the RDM Mobile package plus additional programming interfaces such as: the RDM low-level navigational API, which provides the finest granularity of database control; a SQL API with Raima extensions; an ODBC API based on industry standards; and a C++ API for object oriented programming. The RDM Mobile Plus package is network enabled and includes RDM’s replication and mirroring functionality which provides data synchronization and communication between devices, computers, and servers.

Embedded Applications:
RDM Embedded is a high-performance, database management system optimized for the operating systems commonly used within the embedded market. It is ideal for standalone applications such as those found in Aerospace & Defense systems, industrial automation controllers or automobile infotainment systems. Multiple APIs provide developers a multitude of programming options and functionality. However, developers only compile in what they need, keeping the application footprint minimal for these traditionally resource-constrained devices.

RDM Embedded Plus includes everything in the RDM Embedded package plus it is network-enabled, making it ideal for networked and distributed applications such as those found in telecom and industrial automation systems. This package also includes RDM’s replication and mirroring functionality to provide greater application availability and scalability.

Desktop and Server Applications:
RDM Workgroup is a high-performance, database management system optimized for the operating systems used within the desktop and server environments. It is ideal for standalone and networked applications such as those commonly found on today’s desktop and laptop computers. Multiple APIs provide developers a multitude of programming options and functionality. In addition, RDM Workgroup includes an ADO.Net 4.0 provider, JDBC 4 Type 4 driver and an ODBC 3.5 driver. Using these drivers, managed code applications can easily be created using popular languages like C# and Java.

RDM Workgroup Plus includes everything in the RDM Workgroup package, plus it includes RDM’s replication and mirroring functionality to provide greater application availability and scalability.

Enterprise Lite Applications:
Raima has added a fourth application type referred to as Enterprise Lite. This category includes Raima’s RDM Server solution which is based on the client/server architecture as follows:

RDM Server provides developers with a client/server version of the Raima Database Manager which includes a high number of concurrent users, row level locking, enhanced security, and a robust SQL implementation which has dynamic database definition language support.