The mathematical variable of the company success

The Spanish Mathematics-industry Netowrk, which the USC professor Pilgrim Quintela chairs, presented on Friday at the Fonseca catalog of services provided by the research groups to the mathematical field in business. Currently the network has a portfolio of over 400 customers of the various productive sectors, especially business and government.

Math-in Network, which opens its website ( will integrate groups of 29
investigation of 18 of them Spanish Universities -5 USC, 2 and 3 of Corunna in Vigoque
work to provide solutions and technology transfer to math productive sectors of society.

Along with Dr. Quintela attended the press conference the general R & D,
Richard Chapel, and the vice-chancellor of Foreign Affairs and Internationalization of
USC, Victor Millet, Knowledge Transfer, University of Vigo, Jose
Vilán Vilán Antonio, and Research and Transfer of the University of A Coruña,
Cao Ricardo Abad. Also attended the USC professor Alfredo Bermúdez de
Castro, and professor at the University Rey Carlos Laureano Escudero Jaune.

Catalogue of mathematical solutions
The experience of the Spanish research groups with greater activity in technology transfer mathematical oriented industry appears in the collection Volume mathematical solutions for innovative companies. Catalogue of services offered by Spanish researchers that just came out of the press. The publication identifies the industry by offering research, gives the known demand business of mathematical techniques and features a guide to help with ability of these technologies to solve problems in innovative industry.

This is to provide small, medium and large companies with a technology great potential, with highly qualified research staff and you do not need large investments for use.

Cases of success
The effectiveness of the work of this network is left to see the different experiences developed over the years with Leading companies and government agencies Ferroatlántica public and R & D, Inditex, the Sergas, the Office of Health and Castile Lion or the National Center for Tsunami Research (NCTR) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Design and operation of induction furnaces

The research group at USC Engineering Mathematics designed to Ferroatlántica R & D a computer tool that allowed him to improve the design and operation of induction furnaces. The company wanted to start the metallurgical use these furnaces to melt silicon and needed to know was how their behaviors. Perform these tests was too expensive and the Numerical simulation study allowed the issue even before purchasing the unit. The developed software is registered by the research group and is the disposal of the scientific community.

Treatment of epidemiological data
Also the Epidemiology Service of the Department of Innovation Management and Health Public of the Government of the requested network service. Collaborated between 1992 and 2010 the biostatistics unit of the group MODESTYA USC in the analysis and treatment huge amounts of information to predict and control the factors related to health and incidence of different diseases. Thus arose the software EPIDAT free distribution, which became a standard in Epidemiological services around the world and whose use has spread to the Pan American Health Organization. The research opens the door to numerous applications such as indicators to assess the effectiveness of a diagnostic test when detect disease in patients, studies of association between an exposure factor and risk of a disease such as exposure to tobacco and lung cancer, etc..

Optimization of the supply of health services
Also in the field of public health and linked to the logistics industry, to streamline supply of primary care services of Castile-Leon have been in contact with group at the University of Valladolid, who built a model of optimization in location, a large technical applications in the field of logistics and transport but never before had put in place in the Spanish health administration.

Predict accidents
In turn, the insurance section of Inditex group contacted with the MODES University of A Coruña to request a method of prediction of accidents that supplied so you make decisions about your insurance policy. The team university has developed a program that allows information statistics on the total cost of the accidents that occur in a given period of time based on information from past accidents.

Predicting effects of a tsunami
The work of the network-in math beyond their own national borders. Hence the U.S. Administration in charge of the investigation of the tsunami-National Researh Center for Tsunami (NCTR) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - interested in expanding the range and validity of the models simulation of these phenomena produced or by submarine avalanches.