ANSYS Iberia Seminar in CESGA on engineering simulation tools

Tomorrow, Thursday April 19, "Expand your knowledge in simulation" is celebrated in Santiago de Compostela. The seminar is organized by ANSYS Iberia and CESGA. Aimed at academics and industry professionals, the day will show the many advantages of using simulation tools in the field of engineering and particularly in the naval field, through technical presentations and demonstrations. Also involved in the day the School of Industrial Engineering at the University of Vigo and IBERCISA, a company dedicated to designing and manufacturing proprietary technology, machinery for all types of naval vessels.

ANSYS Iberia, a global engineering simulation software, known as one of the most innovative and fastest growing in the world, will also present its new curriculum, in order to help future engineers, teachers and researchers to have greater understanding and better access to the latest technology in the area of simulation.

In today's business environment requires that companies find new ways to create more innovative products and manufacturing processes while minimizing costs and distribution time. Most industries recognize as one of the best strategies for success in these times, is included in an early stage of the production process based simulation for computer engineering, which allows engineers to refine and validate designs one stage of production that involves changes at minimal cost.

The importance of modernizing and updating the sector can be answered by the work undertaken by the company relying on supercomputing tools CESGA offers innovation and development of various economic and industrial sectors in Galicia.

Day: Thursday April 19, 2012

Time: 10:00 to 14:15

Location: Supercomputing Center of Galicia, CESGA

Event: Seminar ANSYS Iberia "Expand your knowledge in Simulation"

Thursday, April 19, 2012 - CESGA, Santiago de Compostela
10:00 Presentation of CESGA (15 ') Andres Gomez Tato

10:15 Presentation of ANSYS Iberia and ANSYS vision (30) Cristina Gonzalez Cañamares, ANSYS Iberia

10:45 Presentation of the ANSYS platform: Example interactive fluid / structure (1h) Antoine Baldacci, ANSYS France

11:45 Presentation of the new academic program ANSYS Iberia (15 ') Cristina Gonzalez Cañamares, ANSYS Iberia

12:00 Break

12:30 Presentation of the University of Vigo (30) School of Industrial Engineering

13:00 Presentation of IBERCISA (30) Alfredo Andreu

13:30 Tools and features for structure analysis applied to shipbuilding (45) Antoine Baldacci, ANSYS France

14:15 Conclusion and end of the seminar Sanjeev Nath, ANSYS Iberia