Microway’s TeraServer Named 2012 Best of Show Finalist by Bio-IT World Conference & Expo. Incorporates CPUs, GPUs, large memory footprints, and enterprise-class, high-speed storage

Microway will display powerful Tesla GPU-enabled workstations, servers, and clusters at the Bio-IT World Conference in Boston. Their TeraServer has been selected as a Best of Show Finalist in the Information Technology Infrastructure Category.

TeraServer is an extraordinarily capable single server platform providing the same computing power as a department sized GPU-enabled supercompute cluster. It combines over 10 TFLOPS performance with simple management and ease of use of operating one node: complicated cluster coding is no longer required. One TeraServer delivers 80 x86 CPU cores from 8 Intel Xeon E7 series CPUs, 2TB of DDR3 memory, and 8 NVIDIA Tesla GPUs with a total of 4096 GPU cores.

“TeraServer not only outperforms multi-node GPU clusters, it allows researchers to tackle previously unsolvable problems with a single node,” commented Stephen Fried, President and CTO of Microway. “Sequencing applications will benefit from the ability to load 2TB of data into memory at once and from GPU-enabled BLAST-P support. Molecular dynamics applications like AMBER, NAMD, and GROMACS leverage 80 CPU cores and 10-100x speedups on GPUs. Its capability for InfiniBand, SAS, or FC connections to high-performance storage ensures customers can feed petabytes of data to TeraServer for computation.”

TeraServer Specifications:
• 1 single compute node: combines 80 x86 CPU cores and 8 Tesla Fermi M2090 512 core GPUs
• Massive CPU memory capacity for life sciences datasets: up to 2TB of DDR3 memory
• NVIDIA Tesla GPUs supporting CUDA-enabled biosciences applications such as:
• 8 Intel Xeon E7-8800 series CPUs with 10 cores running at up to 2.4Ghz
• InfiniBand, FC, or SAS connections to high-performance storage
• Up to 16 2.5” SSDs for low-latency internal storage throughput
• Standard Linux Operating System
• NVIDIA CUDA and OpenCL SDKs configured and tested
• Fits in 8U of rackmount cabinet space
• Thorough testing and custom integration of hardware and/or software components
• Legendary technical support provided to all Microway hardware shipped since 1982

At the conference, Microway will also display a 3D demo of VMD software running on a WhisperStation-PSC personal supercomputer with NVIDIA Tesla C2075 GPUs and Quadro 6000 using NVIDIA’s 3D Vision Pro technology.