Xirrus Partners With Stoneware to Bring Control to the Classroom

Xirrus announced a partnership with Stoneware, the leading provider of web-based IT delivery solutions, to deliver best-in-class education management and monitoring solutions. Educators no longer need to guess what is on students' screens. By deploying Xirrus high-performance Wireless Arrays and Stoneware's award-winning LanSchool product, teachers can have direct access and control of student devices -- better improving the effectiveness of 1:1 and BYOD initiatives.

Empower Teachers While Integrating Tools Students Use Today With the rapid deployment of smart devices into the learning curriculum of schools, there is a critical need for teachers to have control of computing devices while in the classrooms. LanSchool is the first network-based classroom management solution that enables teachers to utilize and control the access to data by mobile devices used by students in the classroom. It equips teachers to manage individual devices within the classroom, and, as students access log-in portals, it enables teachers to view and control student devices from a master computer. The partnership between Xirrus and Stoneware allows for optimum levels of classroom management beyond those of traditional wireless offerings.

"With our aggressive 1:1 initiative plans and BYOD policies, we needed a wireless network capable of supporting the devices that inundate our infrastructure," said Karl Buchanan, technology director of Wasatch County School District. "After extensive research, we selected Xirrus Wireless Arrays and the Stoneware LanSchool platform as the most effective solution for seamlessly supporting our bandwidth demands and classroom management needs. Since deployment, we've successfully managed all classrooms throughout our school districts with substantially less equipment than would be required with other providers."

With students increasingly using their own laptops, tablets and smartphones in the classroom, LanSchool software allows teachers to authenticate users and monitor their data access. The integrated captive portal supports the direct access and control from a Xirrus Array to Stoneware for automated LanSchool student downloads.

"After a comprehensive implementation, Xirrus' equipment and the LanSchool software operated as anticipated and promised," continued Buchanan. "Not only are we thoroughly covered with our wireless access, but the entire school district can now push forward with its focus on 1:1 initiatives for all students, which will enhance learning for all involved. We're very pleased with our decision to select Xirrus and Stoneware."

"This partnership exemplifies Xirrus' continued efforts to deliver industry-leading wireless solutions for K-12 and higher education campuses internationally. We're extremely pleased to be working together with Stoneware to provide a truly differentiated solution that can make a difference for students and teachers alike," said Perry Correll, director of Product Marketing of Xirrus.