Submissions Open for George Michael HPC Fellowship
The application period is now open for the George Michael HPC Fellowship, which honors exceptional PhD students whose research focuses on high-performance computing.
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, ACM, and the SC Conference Series, the fellowship entitles winners to a US $5,000 honorarium, travel and registration for SC12 and SC13, and an invited presentation opportunity at SC13. Submissions close on 1 July.
The fellowship is open to PhD students whose research focus is on high-performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analysis using the most powerful computers that are currently available.
Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time PhD program at an accredited college or university. They are expected to have completed at least one year of study in their doctoral program. All applicants must meet minimum scholarship requirements at their institution.
Fellowship recipients will be selected based on:
• Overall potential for research excellence
• Degree to which technical interests align with those of the HPC community
• Academic progress to-date
• Presentations and publications
• Recommendations by faculty advisor and (optionally) others
• A plan of study to enhance HPC-related skills, and
• Demonstration of current and future use of HPC resources.