Napatech Eyes Brazilian Network Monitoring Opportunity

Napatech sees a large network monitoring and analysis opportunity developing in the Brazilian market and with the recent opening of a new office in Sao Paolo, Napatech is ready to help local OEM vendors to take advantage of this opportunity.

As hosts for the 2014 Soccer World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games, Brazil is heavily investing in its communication infrastructure to ensure that there are no issues during the events. In September 2011, the Brazilian government announced plans to offer $3.25 billion in tax breaks to telecommunications companies who invest in new infrastructure.

“This is a great time to be investing in Brazil and South America in general”, stated Erik Norup, Chief Marketing Officer, Napatech. “With large investments planned to improve communication infrastructure, it is important that companies like Napatech are involved in the debate to remind decision makers of the equal importance of investment in network monitoring and analysis infrastructure. This will ensure that networks can be tested, managed and secured effectively providing the greatest insurance against network collapse during large events.”

One of the expected outcomes of this investment is a doubling in the number of households with Internet access by 2014. In addition, Business Monitor International (BMI) forecasts that 3G subscriptions will grow by 400% from 2010 to 2015.

“Investing in communication infrastructure helps to increase the bandwidth available for communication, but it also encourages more use of this bandwidth”, continued Norup. “Studies have shown that the higher the download speed available to subscribers, the more they are likely to download, so expanding bandwidth alone is not enough. This bandwidth also needs to be managed to ensure that it is being made available where it is most needed, when it is needed and to those who need it most.”

As the number one vendor of intelligent adapters for network analysis, Napatech is working with the largest OEM vendors of IP network monitoring, analysis, management, test and security appliances. Napatech intelligent network adapters are designed for use in standard, off-the-shelf servers providing OEM appliance vendors with a powerful, yet affordable platform for appliance development. Supporting speeds from 1 Gbps to 40 Gbps Ethernet through a single driver interface, Napatech products are designed for ease-of-use and fast integration supporting a broad range of speeds, port configurations and applications.

“Napatech can help local OEM vendors of network appliances for network monitoring, analysis, management, test and security to provide high-speed products with scalable performance based on an affordable, standard hardware platform”, added Norup. “This ensures that we address needs today and tomorrow with a scalable, affordable platform”.