Appro moves up to No. 4 on the Top500 List by total systems deployed

Appro also takes position in the Green500 List showing power-aware supercomputing

Appro ( is listed as number four on the Top500 list based on total systems deployed. With 19 systems listed, Appro takes a great percentage share of the top spots of the vendor’s system performance per share list. In addition, Appro takes 20 spots on the Green500 List showing power-aware supercomputing.

Appro has deployed over 6 PFlops of the new Appro Xtreme-X Supercomputers in the last year. Several of these systems have been published in the latest Top500 list. Among these important deployments are Gordon, Dash and Trestles, Data Intensive Supercomputers at San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego. The systems provide XSEDE, a program that supports 16 supercomputers and high-end visualization and data analysis resources across the country, allocated services with powerful computing resources dedicated to solving critical science and societal problems using forward-looking HPC technology.

Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia supercomputer deployments have also been delivered by Appro through an exclusive multi-year HPC contract with NNSA’s Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program, along with the University of Tsukuba, Kyoto University and many recent deployments.

Appro Xtreme-X supercomputer is based on cluster architecture using x86 processors from Intel, AMD and NVIDIA. Appro uses Fat Tree and 3D Torus network topologies configurations with high-speed InfiniBand network connectivity delivering the best performance, scalability, highest efficiency and utilization with lowest power per performance for compute demanding applications. Appro offers flexibility, scalability, reliability and choice for world leading supercomputers enabling best power-efficient petascale systems while providing HPC users with best return on investment.Appro Xtreme-X Supercomputer

“We are pleased that the Appro Xtreme-X Supercomputer meets our customers’ requirements with innovative, affordable and flexible configurations to address capability, capacity, hybrid and data intensive computing workloads while continuing to play a prominent role in meeting the demands of petascale computing,” said Daniel Kim, CEO of Appro.