OpenStack founding engineers join Nebula

Nebula has recruited top NASA founding engineers of OpenStack, the open source cloud operating system, and fastest growing open source project in history.

“We are delighted to see our peers in the OpenStack Foundation, including Red Hat, Canonical, HP, and IBM dramatically increasing their investments in OpenStack”
Jesse Andrews, Jake Dahn, Vish Ishaya, Andy Smith, Dean Troyer, and Anthony Young, the founding engineers of OpenStack from NASA, have joined Nebula after helping to ensure OpenStack’s success at Rackspace. Brian Waldon, lead of the OpenStack Glance project from Rackspace has also joined the company, along with William Eshagh from NASA, who made NASA’s open source release of Nova, the core component of OpenStack, possible.

“With these additions to our team, Nebula is poised to deliver a highly differentiated product to enterprise customers, and also ensure that OpenStack remains the most innovative and fastest growing cloud platform in the world,” said Chris C. Kemp, CEO of Nebula, and co-founder of OpenStack.

The new team members join Nebula co-founder and CTO Devin Carlen, and former NASA contractors Gabriel Hurley and Jeff Ward, reuniting nearly all of the founding engineers from NASA that created OpenStack.

Andrews, who co-founded ANSO Labs and was the former Director of Rackspace Cloud Builders, will serve as Nebula’s Director of Technology, and will focus on developing and integrating new technology into Nebula products and related open source projects, and will serve as an elected board member of the OpenStack Foundation. Ishaya will serve as Director of Open Source, where he will define and manage Nebula’s open source strategy, and continue to ensure the success of OpenStack. Young will serve as Director of Productization, and will focus on the integration of various technologies and components into a turnkey enterprise product.

“We’re here because we believe that this is the team, the product, and the company that will deliver OpenStack to the Enterprise,” said Andrews, Nebula’s Director of Technology.

Nebula is the second largest overall contributor of code to OpenStack, and employs four of five elected OpenStack Project Technical Leads.

“We are delighted to see our peers in the OpenStack Foundation, including Red Hat, Canonical, HP, and IBM dramatically increasing their investments in OpenStack,” said Devin Carlen, Nebula co-founder and CTO.

Nebula is a founding Platinum member of the OpenStack Foundation. Jon Mittelhauser, Nebula’s VP of Engineering, will serve as Nebula’s representative on the OpenStack Foundation Board.