Myricom DBL Software to Provide Unmatched Acceleration for 10-Gigabit Ethernet

Myricom has announced general availability of DBL (Datagram Bypass Layer). DBL software is specifically designed to provide unmatched communication acceleration for mainstream 10-Gigabit Ethernet using UDP (User Datagram Protocol, one of the most commonly used Internet protocols). DBL, when combined with Myri-10G, the fastest two-port 10-Gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Cards (NICs), provides the lowest latency UDP performance available in the IT industry.

With measured application-to-application UDP latencies of less than 3.2 microseconds (compared to tens of microseconds for most competing solutions), DBL provides a compelling competitive advantage for applications where data turnaround time is important. Performance-critical applications of DBL include financial trading, VoIP, network security, and online databases. Less time spent moving data means less transaction delay, better application performance, and more profit to the bottom line.

DBL leverages Myricom's extensive experience with kernel-bypass software techniques that allow user-level applications to communicate directly with network cards, eliminating overhead and latency traditionally incurred by interactions with the operating system. Removing overhead allows data to move between applications and through the network in the least possible time.

DBL is generally available today for use with Linux and Windows hosts. For more information about DBL and other Myricom extreme-performance Ethernet products, please contact