Mobile technology for the next generation at The Mobile Broadband Forum 2010

Forum to feature keynote address by Alfredo Baptista, CTO of Portugal Telecom

The Mobile Broadband Forum 2010 will take place from October 12th to 15th in Lisbon, Portugal. Building on previous success with the LTE Forum, which has been held in Stockholm and Lisbon, The Mobile Broadband Forum 2010 is a unique conference that combines two key events, the LTE Forum and the RCS Forum in a single conference. Workshops, Panel Sessions and Keynote Presentations will be offered by leading analysts, international operators, regulators and leading representatives from the industry.

Alfredo Baptista, CTO of Portugal Telecom to deliver Keynote Address in plenary session of the latest edition of this successful event.

LTE and RCS are complementary initiatives and analysts confirm that new service requirements — particularly those enabled by the RCS specifications — and new wireless architectures - especially LTE - are driving new, more urgent requirements to move to IMS architectures in the core of the network and fueling growth in innovative services for consumer and enterprise subscribers.

Mobile Broadband Forum – Stream A “LTE Forum”

The LTE Forum 2010 will help operators to identify the evolutionary steps to 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution), to understand the drivers for migration, and to determine what they need to be doing now to ensure their networks remain competitive.

Presentations from mobile operators and other industry experts will help delegates to understand why, when and how to migrate to 4G LTE, and how they can prepare for the adoption of these critical standards.

Mobile Broadband Forum – Stream B “RCS Forum”

The Rich Communications Suite has been heralded as marking a major revolution in personal mobile communications. With promising signs from early trials and widespread support amongst the mobile operator and vendor ecosystem, many in the industry believe that RCS will significantly change the nature of personal communications.

The Mobile Broadband Forum 2010 brings operators, vendors, end-users, regulators, experts, analysts and the media together to discuss, debate, and discover trends and strategies of Next Generation Mobile technology.

Visit the conference website at

Organiser: HanseCom Media and Communication (