WEGENER Receives Order for Background Music Network Expansion

WEGENER Wegener Corporation has announced the receipt of an order for 150 Unity 202 enterprise audio receivers to support an international background music network.

The undisclosed client provides professional audio and video services at the point of sale and functional background music for multiple clients. WEGENER Compel network control in conjunction with WEGENER audio receive equipment are used to distribute audio services via satellite.

"WEGENER's background music solution offers clients, particularly those with more than 100 sites, a simple and robust service," stated Troy Woodbury, President and CEO of WEGENER. "The Compel control system is optimized to manage complex music/ad plays for multiple clients simultaneously."

Compel network control systems offer flexibility to manage, schedule, distribute and control playout of video, audio and data content to WEGENER receivers. The Unity 202 is WEGENER's 3rd generation of economical, high performance satellite music receivers targeted to meet the needs of the business music market. Utilizing programmable file storage capability it can ensure continuous, reliable service for regional ad insertions and automatic loss-of-signal music playout.