HiPC 2010 Student Research Symposium


  • Dec 19, 2010 Goa, India
  • Travel scholarships for India-based and NSF/IEEE-TCPP Travel support for US-based students 
  • Best paper and best presentation awards

HiPC 2010 will feature the third student research symposium on High Performance Computing (HPC) aimed at stimulating and fostering student research, and providing an international forum to highlight student research accomplishments. We particularly solicit submissions from PhD students in India as well as from international universities. The symposium will also expose students to the best practices in HPC in academia and industry. The one-day symposium will feature brief presentations by student authors on their research, followed by a poster exhibit. Short invited talks by leading HPC researchers/practitioners will be included in the program. The symposium reception will provide an opportunity for students to interact with HPC researchers and practitioners (and recruiters) from academia and industry. To be considered, students should submit a 5 page extended abstract of their research.

  • August 15, 2010 - Student Symposium opens for submission 
  • September 14, 2010 - Final deadline for submissions 
  • Submission procedures and other details are available at the Student
Symposium web site: www.hipc.org/hipc2010/studentsymposium.php

Scholarship opportunities

Students from Indian academic institutions are encouraged to apply for the HiPC travel scholarship. As in the past, the conference will award travel scholarship to at least one student author of each accepted submission from Indian academic institutions.

The top few submissions from US-based students will be considered for NSF/IEEE TCPP travel support.

- Smruti Sarangi and Ashok Srinivasan
Student Research Symposium Co-Chairs
student_symposium AT hipc.org