University of New Hampshire Offers New PSoC Class

Cypress Semiconductor has announced that the University of New Hampshire (UNH) College of Engineering and Physical Sciences is offering a new course highlighting the PSoC programmable system-on-chip. The course, open to interested students and the community at large (for continuing education credits) is part of the Far View Distance Learning Program at UNH, allowing students to take the course remotely.

The course is entitled: ECE 994 - Vital Electronics: Networked Computing Using Programmable Systems-On-Chip. It is offered on Wednesday evenings from 5:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. It will use PSOC as the building block for the next-generation, networked embedded systems. The course will focus on sensing, controlling, and communicating challenges, as well as innovation, economics, validation, robustness, and the application domain. It will also use case studies, including sensorized laboratories; critical infrastructure monitoring and protection; and global design methodology for in-situ hardware development.

"We're pleased to offer this important course to our students and interested community members," said Professor Andrzej Rucinski, the course architect and instructor. "I believe the principles covered in this course are essential to those involved in designing next-generation embedded systems. The PSoC architecture is a perfect platform for this subject matter."

"It's gratifying to see more and more prestigious universities around the world adopt PSoC as an integral part of their curricula," said Patrick Kane, director of Cypress's University Alliance. "Professor Rucinski has developed a course that will be of great benefit to both current students and to practicing engineers who want to stay ahead of the curve in embedded design."