Unicon Becomes First InCommon Affiliate

Unicon has become an InCommon Affiliate.

InCommon is the U.S. trust federation, operated through Internet2, that provides a privacy-preserving, secure method for accessing online resources, including single sign-on convenience, for faculty, researchers, students and staff at higher education institutions. The Affiliate Program provides the research and education community with a way to connect with partners able to help build the necessary underlying infrastructure that supports federated access.

“Unicon is proud to be the first company to join the new InCommon Affiliate Program,” said John Blakley, CEO of Unicon, Inc. “Market needs around identity management are stronger than ever. With the increasing amount of cross-institutional collaboration, we see federated identity becoming more essential every day.”

Unicon, Inc. provides services for authentication solutions, including Shibboleth Federated Single Sign-On Software, offering implementation planning, branding, installation, configuration, custom development, mentoring and support. Unicon can implement and customize Shibboleth for uPortal, Sakai, and other enterprise applications. The company also offers solutions for Jasig’s CAS Single Sign-On (Central Authentication Service), and VASCO’s two-factor authentication solutions.

“Shibboleth and core identity management infrastructure are key for a large majority of our participants,” said John Krienke, chief operating officer of InCommon. “We’re pleased to welcome Unicon and their extensive experience with Shibboleth implementations.”

For more information, and a list of current affiliates, go to www.incommon.org/affiliate.